The modelling is based on the photogrammetric survey of the site produced by ICONEM in 2017, as part of the ‘Faire renaître la cité de Baelo Claudia’ project, which was celebrating the centenary of the excavations carried out at the site. The new modelling done within the ATLAS project has therefore been added to a pre-existing set of 3D graphics. Our reconstruction is based on graphic documentation in the field, old photographs and previous reconstruction work. The south-eastern sector and its evolution over the centuries are extremely well documented by recent excavations carried out between 2011 and 2019. Work on the macellum, the market, and the south-east sector have enabled axonometries and diachronic sections to be drawn up as a starting point for the three-dimensional reconstruction. The dynamics of the building’s transformation are highlighted, in the midst of an urban environment that deteriorated further over the centuries. As the transformations of the neighbouring buildings (forum, basilica, etc.) are not documented, they are mentioned but kept out of the picture.
The paucity of information on the interior fittings and the large number of monuments suggested a more pared-down approach. At the same time, the scale of the project meant that it was possible to anticipate that these models would be reused and taken up by the scientific community for other purposes. With this in mind, the basilica and the intermediate paved square, which were quickly abandoned, are shown from the angle of the process of their demolition, with each of the architectural blocks identified having been faithfully repositioned in space.
Suggested bibliography
Brassous, Laurent (2017), « Baelo Claudia dans l’Antiquité tardive. L’occupation du secteur sud-est du forum entre les IIIe et VIe siècles », Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez. Nouvelle série, (47-1), pp. 167-200.
Didierjean, François. Ney, Claude, Paillet, Jean-Louis (1986), Belo III: Le Macellum, Casa de Velazquez, Madrid.
Sillières, Pierre, Remesal, José, Rouillard, Pierre (1975), « Neuvième campagne de Fouilles de la Casa de Velasquez à Bélo en 1974 (Bolonia, province de Cadiz) », Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez, tome 11, pp. 509-534.
Sillières, Pierre (Ed.) (2013), Belo IX: La basilique (Vol. 136), Casa de Velázquez, Madrid.